Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pay it Forward...

Ever heard of "Pay it Forward"? Apparently my husband hasn't...

This is how our morning conversation went yesterday:

Me: I can't believe you're marking me drive your POS car to work today

Him: But there's a $5 Starbucks gift card in there that you can use!

Me: hm

Him: Yeah, we tried to use them on Monday to cure the "Monday morning blues", but when we went to pay, the cashier said the lady in front of us had already paid for our drinks

Me: Really? Who was she?

Him: The cashier didn't know, but she said sometimes people will pay for the person behind them, and then the next person will pay for the person behind him, and then it keeps going down the line

Me: Wow! That's great! So was there someone in line behind you?

Him: Yes!

Me: Did you pay for their drink?!

Him: No

Me: WHAT?! Why not?! Donnie! You're supposed to pay it forward!!! You just let it die right there with you!!?

Him: Well!? I wanted to use my gift card!

Me: Well! You could have used it on the person behind you!

Him: But what if they had a big order?

Me:, I can't believe you didn't keep it going! I don't know how it works, but if what they order is more than what you paid, I'm sure the cashier knows what to do! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T KEEP IT GOING!!!

SOoooo, no - I didn't use the gift card yesterday.... it's tainted... but I was tempted to go to Starbucks and buy a drink for someone...


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