Sunday, May 22, 2011


A husband's recent email to a former supervisor:

I hope everything is going well with you and your family. I thought about you all last summer. Scott and I play a lot of volleyball at 55th Street and I've seen you guys up at the beach house. Take Car.

Wife: That was awkward. "I thought about you all last summer."

Husband: It reads you'all. As in his family.

Husband's brother: I read it "you" "all", as in he's been thinking about the guy ALL last summer, which is very touching.

Wife: Next time, use the apostrophe...

Brother: Or, he should have said, "I've been thinking about you all, all summer." That would have taken care of the problem.

Wife: Yup, that's a good option too... or he didn't need to tell another man he was thinking about him 9 months ago... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Love it...


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