Sunday, May 1, 2011

A recent conversation...

A recent email conversation among friends discussing an upcoming Cabin/Fishing trip and the subsequent fishing tournament. (Background: K and D are married. H and B are married. M is a vegetarian.)

K: Are we having a fishing tournament?

B: Dagon right we are!

D: And this year, I'm not giving them any more "bait advice" so H can turnaround and catch the biggest bass. I'll let you know what bait is the best to use when we're packing up on Sunday.

H: It has nothing to do with bait because if it did, you would have caught some big mammer jammers just like ME. It has to do with skill and "dedication"...i.e., fishing in the rain (cough::cough::K::cough::cough)!!!!;o)

K: Just because I have mini-meltdowns on the river doesn't mean my heart isn't into it ;) it is a well known fact that fish don't like me... even as a child, on the L........n river, the stinkin' flounder ran from my hook! But I continue to try!! Although I mostly support my husband who has the skill and patience of Peter!! [Luke 5] ;)

B: Even if we don’t catch any fish or the biggest, it’s the camaraderie that counts!

K: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're so sweet :)

B: Why thanks K :) Why do you think I hunt so much? lol

K: Um... to kill things...Is this a trick question?

M: K if I could click 'like' your last email I totally would.

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